I'm using the Clojure programming language to develop programs for JVM platform (I don't like the Java language, as it too restrictive & too verbose). Although Clojure is relatively young language, but it has many interesting features, such as immutable data, simple concurrency model & many features of Lisp, while work on JVM provides access to numerous libraries, developed for this platform.
I'm mostly using this language to analyze numerical & textual data for information retrieval & data mining. In my work I use Incanter - very useful library for data analysis, numerical calculation, etc.
Main source of information about this language is language's site and mailing list. Another useful source of information is Planet Clojure — blogs aggregator. There is also labrepl project that contains everything necessary for quick start.
There are several books about Clojure:
I'm also collecting links to video-lectures & screencasts about Clojure. You can find them on separate page.
I wrote several articles about Clojure (other notes about Clojure you can find in my blog):
I also wrote an introduction-level article (in Russian) for 4th issue of Russian Magazine "Practice of Functional Programming" — I plan to translate it to English some time later.
Last change: 05.03.2013 16:54