
As distributed version control systems (DVCS) become widely used, Emacs also start to support them. To support concrete DVCS implementations separate Emacs packages was created. They implement commands, that closely reflect ideology of concrete system, and often these packages use different key bindings and user interface, that match ideology of DVCS.

As was mentioned earlier, in Emacs exists VC package, that was created to support different version control systems (VCS) and provide uniform interface for all of them, including some of DVCS. DVC package has same goal as VC, but intended to support distributed VCS. Some of DVC code is based on the code from the Xtla package, and developed by same developers. You can get more information about DVC from project's site.

Architecture of DVC and supported systems

DVC has multilayer architecture. At the top layer are functions, that provide automatic version control system detection, and implement functions, common for all DVCS. One layer below, are defined functions, specific for concrete version control system. And at the lowest level, are defined functions, providing common framework for all supported DVCS.

Now, DVC support following version control systems:

name in DVC name of VCS
xhg mercurial (aka hg)
xgit git
baz GNU Arch (tla) and Bazaar 1.x
bzr Bazaar-NG
xmtn Monotone
xdarcs Darcs

Not all supported VCS has full support in DVC. You can find list of supported functions for each of system on project's site.


Installation of package is quite simple — you need to download archive from site, unpack it and setup it with standard commands sequence:

make install

To be able to use functions, provided by package, you need to add following lines to Emacs initialization file:

(add-to-list 'load-path "path_to_installed_package")
(require 'dvc-autoloads)

that will perform registration of autoloads for parts of package, After executing these commands, you can start to work with package, or perform initial customization of it (as this described later, but usually customization is not required, as package define reasonable default values.

Starting to work with package

User can work with DVC using common knowledge about commands of corresponding version control system — for all basic VCS's commands DVC provide corresponding functions, those names started from dvc- prefix1.

Main command, that will be usually used by user is dvc-status (it also available through C-x V s keybinding). During execution it creates buffer with a list of modified files, that looks much like the buffer, created by package PCL-CVS. Name of the buffer depends from the name of used version control system and looks like *VCS-status*, where VCS will replaced with name of backend for corresponding VCS (names of backends listed in table above).

After getting buffer with repository's status, user can execute different operations in it. For this buffer will automatically set dvc-diff major mode, for which defined some number of commands. Interface and control keys for this mode very close to interface and keys that used in PCL-CVS package, so if you had worked with it, then you can easily switch to work with DVC2. Some operations also available for execution via menus. DVC add several menus — DVC-Diff, DVC-Buffers, and dedicated menu for backend of concrete VCS, that list commands specific for this backend. DVC-Buffers contain list of opened buffers, related to DVC and could be used for work with these buffers. DVC-Diff menu could be used for access to commands, common for all VCS — getting changes, addition and deletion of files, etc.

As in PCL-CVS, some commands could be executed not only for concrete files, but for group of selected files. For setting mark to file you can use m key, and for removing it — u key. Besides this, you can use backspace key for removing mark from previous file.

Usually users use only limited set of operations — look for made changes and commit or revert them, add or remove files, look into change log, etc. For all of these operations DVC provide corresponding commands.

You can view content of a file with dvc-diff-jump-to-change function (key RET). This function opens the file and move cursor to first modified line. Another function for viewing source is diff-goto-source (o key or middle mouse button). With the function dvc-dired-jump (C-x C-j) you can also open Dired buffer and move to the selected file.

User can revert changes with the command dvc-revert-files (keys U or C-x V f R). But committing of changes could be done by one of two commands: dvc-log-edit or dvc-add-log-entry. dvc-log-edit (key c or C-x V c) opens buffer in which you could enter commit message, and after this, run function dvc-log-edit-done (it bind to keys C-c C-c) to do actual commit. Second command — dvc-add-log-entry (t or C-x V a) differ from first only in the style in which commit messages will presented (like entries in ChangeLog files). When you stay in status buffer you can also save changes as a file. You can do this with function dvc-save-diff (keybinding W s).

There are several functions, that could be used to view changes. To view changes from the *VCS-status* buffer you can use functions dvc-diff-diff (= key) and dvc-diff-ediff (e key). Second function differ from first only that it run ediff instead of external diff. To quickly switch between buffer containing diffs and corresponding element in the status buffer, you could use function dvc-diff-diff-or-list (j key) — it works for both buffers. And with function dvc-diff-view-source (v key) you can open separate buffer with a file and view modified part of the file in this buffer. To see content of buffer with diffs without switching to it, you can use following functions — dvc-diff-scroll-down-or-diff (M-=) and dvc-diff-scroll-up-or-diff (M-RET), that scroll buffer with diffs up and down.

Besides these functions, exists 3 functions, that could be executed outside of *VCS-status* buffer and has global key bindings. dvc-diff function (bind to C-x V =) display changes between current and previous state of repository. dvc-file-diff (C-x V d) and dvc-file-ediff (C-x V e) functions could be used to display changes for concrete file, using buffer (with output of external diff) or ediff.

To see log of changes you can use several functions, that defined both for status buffer, and globally. The dvc-log (L or C-x V L) function show list of changes (in short form) for file of project. For current file in status buffer you can see change log with function dvc-diff-log (l key). Full change log you can see with function dvc-changelog (C-x V l). All these functions accept optional prefix parameter, that define how many last changes you want to see (by default, these functions show all changes).

Working with files

Users often perform operations with files — add them, delete, etc. DVC provide several functions for these tasks — dvc-add-files (a or C-x V f a) function add current (or marked) file(s) to repository. To remove marked files from repository user can use function dvc-remove-files (keys d, r, or C-x V f D). There is also additional function for removing files — dvc-purge-files (C-x V f X), that remove files from disk without leaving a backups. As most of modern version control systems provide commands for renaming files, so DVC also support this functionality with function dvc-rename (C-x V f M).

To work with files, that already registered in VCS, but doesn't shown in status buffer, you can use function dvc-inventory (C-x V i), that display list of files known by VCS. In this buffer user can use same commands and key bindings, as in the status buffer.

User can do some manipulations on list of objects (files and directories) in repository. Usually, in each of VCS exists list of ignored files, that could be edited by user3. For quick manipulations with this list there are several functions. dvc-ignore-files (# i or just i) function put current (or marked) file(s) into list of ignored objects. dvc-ignore-file-extensions (# I or M-I) function also modify this list, but put into it not full file names, but only their extensions. And if you want to modify this list other way — remove file from list, or add complex regular expression, then you can use function dvc-edit-ignore-files (# e), that open buffer with list of ignored objects, and allow you to edit it (please mention, that syntax of this file depends on used version control system).

If you want to create new repository in current directory, you can use function dvc-init (C-x V I) that will ask you about which DVCS you want use for it, and after that perform corresponding command for initialization of repository.

Branches and external repositories

Work with different repositories and branches is very actual task for user of distributed VCS, so DVC provide number of functions for performing these tasks. For all supported VCS exists common set of commands, providing basic functionality. And, as DVC project is successor of Xtla project, then for work with GNU Arch & Bazaar exists more functions — bookmarks for repositories, etc. Backends for other VCSs could also provide additional functions, specific to concrete VCS.

Following commands are common for all supported DVCS:

Function Key binding Description
dvc-missing M m or C-x V m show changes in remote repository, not applied to current repository
dvc-merge M M or C-x V M download and apply changes from remote repository
dvc-pull M f download changes from remote repository (not apply them)
dvc-update M u or C-x V u apply downloaded changes
dvc-submit-patch C-x V p send changes to given e-mail address
dvc-bookmarks C-x V b open buffer with bookmarks to remote repositories
dvc-clone C-x V C clone repository from external one
dvc-create-branch C-x V o c creates new branch
dvc-select-branch C-x V o s switch to another branch
dvc-list-branches C-x V o l show list of existing branches

Using these commands you can perform most of the tasks affecting other repositories.

Other commands

To leave status buffer you can use function dvc-buffer-quit (q key). And to update content of status buffer (it doesn't performed automatically) you need to execute dvc-generic-refresh (g key) function.

To get help on DVC usage you can use standard Emacs features — when you are in status buffer, press C-h m and you get description of current major and minor modes, together with list of key bindings and names of corresponding commands. List of global key bindings you can get if you invoke C-x V C-h. Besides this, package provide number of tips, that you can open with dvc-tips-next-tip function, and than use n and p keys to navigate between next and previous tip.

During it work DVC opens number of auxiliary buffers. To make movement between them more easy DVC define number of functions. When you view several buffers with nested changes, you can use dvc-diff-master-buffer (^ key) function to move to the main buffer, containing changes. For each buffer DVC set special variable, that points to the partner buffer, that also used for perform same task. This allow quickly switch between these buffers with dvc-buffer-pop-to-partner-buffer (h key) function.

You can use same approach to view buffers used by DVD internally. The dvc-open-internal-log-buffer (B L) function opens buffer, that contain all commands, executed by package. And with dvc-show-process-buffer (B p) function you can see results of execution of external commands, executed by package to perform all operations.

Package customization

Package customization could be done with standard Emacs customization routines. Corresponding customization group is called dvc.

Some modes, implemented by DVC provide to user ability to set buffer parameters from hooks. For example, the dvc-status function run dvc-diff-mode-hook (if it defined) after it finish initialization of status buffer.

1. Besides this, each backend, implementing support for concrete VCS, define their own set of functions, corresponding to commands of given VCS. For example, backend, implementing support for Mercurial define functions with prefix xhg-, and these functions could be directly used by user, if there are no corresponding functions with <code>dvc- prefix.

2. I want to mention that many commands also available outside the *VCS-status* buffer. To execute them you can add global prefix C-x V to their local key binding. In this text I'll mark them as a global.

3. User can also see ignored files if variable dvc-status-display-ignored will has non-nil value.

Last change: 05.03.2013 16:54

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